We can’t quite believe it but on the 29th of September, Fleet Phoenix will be celebrating its 10th Birthday! This is the day that we officially achieved our charity status and we thought that it was a great opportunity and well deserved to recognise this milestone.

Quite a few of our team have been here from the very beginning, whether as a staff member, a young person or trustee, so it is amazing that they have been able to witness how far we have come during the last 10 years. I joined 4 and a half years ago but even during my fairly short time I have seen just how incredibly dedicated our small team is to the young people and their families in our community. Their commitment to ensuring that everyone gets the help and support they need, so they can thrive in their lives is inspiring and every area would be very lucky to have a charity just like this one.
I asked Charlotte, our dedicated leader to try to tell me what her favourite memory was from during this time and as you can imagine, she has so many memories. I did however manage to get her to narrow some down and we will be sharing these and the
favourite memories of others team members
nearer the Birthday. Something she did say was:
“So many young people, some amazing and crazy colleagues, some fantastic events and the outstanding community support, I wouldn't know where to start. Every moment, every challenge, every lesson learnt has been worth every heartache and sleepless night.”
To go along with our celebration and reminiscing, we would absolutely love to raise more awareness for our wonderful local charity and try to raise some money at the same time. Without the support and donations of our community, we wouldn't be able to continue to support local young people and their families.
So, this is where we need your help, please? Let your imagination run away with you and think up fun and creative ways to help. If you can, why not revolve it around the number 10? This can be tailored to your fitness levels, current situation, time etc - so anyone can get involved.
Ideas that we have thought of are:
Share our Facebook/Instagram pages to 10 friends or share 10 of our posts.
Donate £10.
Do 10 random acts of kindness.
Walk or run 10 miles (sponsorship forms available).
Donate 10 items of food/toiletries to our collection points in Sainsbury's.
Walk 10,000 steps every day for 10 consecutive days (sponsorship forms available).
Our website has some great ideas for fundraising idea: Fundraising Ideas | Fleet Phoenix
You can also set up online fundraising pages through Virgin Money Giving: Virgin Money Giving | Fleet Phoenix
We would love for you to film or take a photo of this and post it on social media, tagging us when you do or alternatively, you can email it into us and we can post it on our page anonymously – info@fleetphoenix.co.uk
Thank you all for your continued support.
The Fleet Phoenix Team.