Our Services
We work with young people and their families across Hart district. We are proactive in our approach which enables early intervention. This is a benefit to those we work with, preventing them from reaching crisis point, and additionally this benefits the community in general, our partnering agencies and reduces future costs to crisis services.
Our Projects
Our projects have all been developed and designed in response to the needs of young people and the community. They are all staffed by qualified and trained Youth Workers who will be supporting, training and developing the skills of the community volunteers who wish to work with young people.

Sexual Health
Fleet Phoenix offers FREE pregnancy tests and condoms at any of our open sessions. We can also give advice and information on sexual health and relationships to any young person under 25. This is a FREE and confidential service. Just pop into ANY of our open sessions and ask for a chat.

Community Services
In addition to our regular clubs and events, we offer support to the community in many different ways.
Hart Youth Achievement Awards
The Hart Youth Achievement Awards 2024 is now CLOSED!
Thank you to everyone who nominated the amazing young people of the Hart District.
Well done to all the incredible young people locally.
Watch our social media for photos and announcements soon.
Plus information for HYAA 2025!
Christmas Toy Appeal
Thank you to everyone who made the 2024 Christmas Toy Appeal such a success and made Christmas so much better for so many young people and their families. Without your continued support, this wouldn't be possible.
2025 information coming later this year!!
With the Christmas Toy Appeal we want to make sure that as many children locally get to have a special time this Christmas day.
​​Thank you for your support in making Christmas special for more young people.
Walk It - Community Presence
‘Walk It’ is an outreach youth work project working in Fleet and the surrounding areas with young people on the streets and in the local parks.
The project offers young people diversity, advice, support, education, and information. The outreach team also works in partnership with local agencies at times and areas which historically see anti-social behaviour hit a peak.
Please contact Charlotte for more information.
Community Safety Information
Thank you to everyone who made the 2024 Christmas Toy Appeal such a success and made Christmas so much better for so many young people and their families. Without your continued support, this wouldn't be possible.
2025 information coming later this year!!
With the Christmas Toy Appeal we want to make sure that as many children locally get to have a special time this Christmas day.
​​Thank you for your support in making Christmas special for more young people.
Food Bank
The Fleet Phoenix food store offers food & hygiene parcels to those families most in need.
We are non-judgmental in our support and offer parcels of store cupboard food to help keep the food bills down. (Checks may be made if felt necessary)
If you are in need of help or would like to make a professional referral please contact Charlotte for more information.
If you would like to donate food and household items, this can be done at the 3 Sainsbury's in Fleet (Fleet Road, Aldershot Road and Sandy Lane) where they have collection baskets.
School Uniform
School uniform donations are closed now until summer 2025.​
School uniform appeal (June to September annually) takes in second-hand uniform for all of Hart's schools and distributes it to those most in need of the support.
​We will release dates for our next donation and collection days soon.